XML Dump

Borsch supports development dumps of the lexical elements and the interpreter internal form. Both are to the simple XML format.

[woq@plecka ~/borsch]$ cat scripts/factorial_inc.txt
function factorial($number)
        if($number < 2)
                return 1;
                return $number * factorial($number - 1);
[woq@plecka ~/borsch]$ cat scripts/factorial.txt

echo("Factorial of numbers from 0 to 9:\n");

for($i = 0; $i <= 9; $i++)
        echo("Factorial of " + $i + " is " + factorial($i) + "\n");
[woq@plecka ~/borsch]$ ./borsch --lex-dump scripts/factorial.txt
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes'?>
    <LEX_FUNC_NAME string="factorial"/>
    <LEX_VARIABLE string="number"/>
    <LEX_VARIABLE string="number"/>
    <LEX_INT int="2"/>
    <LEX_INT int="1"/>
    <LEX_VARIABLE string="number"/>
    <LEX_FUNC_NAME string="factorial"/>
    <LEX_VARIABLE string="number"/>
    <LEX_INT int="1"/>
    <LEX_FUNC_NAME string="echo"/>
    <LEX_STRING string="Factorial of numbers from 0 to 9:"/>
    <LEX_FUNC_NAME string="echo"/>
    <LEX_STRING string="=================================="/>
    <LEX_VARIABLE string="i"/>
    <LEX_INT int="0"/>
    <LEX_VARIABLE string="i"/>
    <LEX_INT int="9"/>
    <LEX_VARIABLE string="i"/>
    <LEX_FUNC_NAME string="echo"/>
    <LEX_STRING string="Factorial of "/>
    <LEX_VARIABLE string="i"/>
    <LEX_STRING string=" is "/>
    <LEX_FUNC_NAME string="factorial"/>
    <LEX_VARIABLE string="i"/>
    <LEX_STRING string=" "/>
[woq@plecka ~/borsch]$ ./borsch --call-tree-dump scripts/factorial.txt
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes'?>
        <FunctionCall name="echo">
                <Value type="string">Factorial of numbers from 0 to 9:</Value>
        <FunctionCall name="echo">
                <Value type="string">==================================</Value>
                <BinaryOperator type="LEX_OP_ASSIGN">
                        <Variable name="i"/>
                        <Value type="int">0</Value>
                <BinaryOperator type="LEX_OP_LESS_EQ">
                        <Variable name="i"/>
                        <Value type="int">9</Value>
                <UnaryOperator type="LEX_OP_PLUS_PLUS_POST">
                    <Variable name="i"/>
                <FunctionCall name="echo">
                        <BinaryOperator type="LEX_OP_PLUS">
                                <BinaryOperator type="LEX_OP_PLUS">
                                        <BinaryOperator type="LEX_OP_PLUS">
                                                <BinaryOperator type="LEX_OP_PLUS">
                                                        <Value type="string">Factorial of </Value>
                                                        <Variable name="i"/>
                                                <Value type="string"> is </Value>
                                        <FunctionCall name="factorial">
                                                <Variable name="i"/>
                                <Value type="string"></Value>
        <Function name="factorial">
                    <BinaryOperator type="LEX_OP_LESS">
                            <Variable name="number"/>
                            <Value type="int">2</Value>
                <UnaryOperator type="LEX_RETURN">
                    <Value type="int">1</Value>
                <UnaryOperator type="LEX_RETURN">
                    <BinaryOperator type="LEX_OP_MULT">
                            <Variable name="number"/>
                            <FunctionCall name="factorial">
                                    <BinaryOperator type="LEX_OP_MINUS">
                                            <Variable name="number"/>
                                            <Value type="int">1</Value>
        <Function name="echo">
        <Function name="exit">
        <Function name="get_global">
        <Function name="set_global">
[woq@plecka ~/borsch]$ ./borsch scripts/factorial.txt
Factorial of numbers from 0 to 9:
Factorial of 0 is 1
Factorial of 1 is 1
Factorial of 2 is 2
Factorial of 3 is 6
Factorial of 4 is 24
Factorial of 5 is 120
Factorial of 6 is 720
Factorial of 7 is 5040
Factorial of 8 is 40320
Factorial of 9 is 362880
[woq@plecka ~/borsch]$
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